Hanging out with mum and dad on Stonehaven beach for the first time in a long time.
Seeing mum and dad so happy - this photo made my day!
Being crazy with the family. All nuts, one of the reasons I love them all so much!
Meeting my nephew for the first time was definitely the best part of last year for me. Wee Leon Knight, here at 4 months.
Wee man, all teddy-fied!
I couldnt believe how big my nieces had gotten in the time that I was away. The not so wee Freya.
Brenna and Rianna close to their 2nd birthdays.
I was so grateful to be able to hang out with old school friends, who I am lucky to still be in touch with, Charlotte, Sarah and Arlene.
Orkney is just so beautiful in the snow!
Pete's 21st birthday party - zombie style... Debs and Al getting into the spirit of things! Wee Leon along for the ride.
Me and Pete looking particularly terrifying. It was such a fun night!
Wow, we are so elegant here! Kimber and me on St. Paddy's day in NaCunna.
Me and my dear friend Susan, my roommate in Guatemala, spending an awesome couple of weeks in NC.
My very first rodeo. Hopefully it wont be the last...
Meeting my newest little niece, Nely's beautiful daughter
Me hanging out with Nely's son... he's so cute!
For my 28th birthday we had a 1920s party which was a LOT of fun! Everyone made a great effort, getting really into it. Happy Days....
Kimber, Shaun, Nic and me. Doing it up, 20s style.
Halloween 09, Amy, me and Nic
Kelley and Kimber looking gorgeous
Amy's 30th - 80s style
Me and K
Kimber, me, Nic and Amy
Brianna, me and Amy
Bri has some of the most exciting stories I have ever heard!
Kelley, me, Kimber and Jeanette - some of the most awesome people ever.
Me and some of the girls - love them!!!